Wednesday, September 17, 2014

C# Programming Tutorial

                         Abstract Class Tutorial in C#


  • An abstract class is an incomplete and does not instantiated.
  • It only used for base class.In the abstract base class only define the abstract members and methods.
  • Abstract class must implement in derived class.Until it will be a compiler error.         
  • Cannot be implement the abstract members and methods,change the derived class to the abstract class(Put the keyword abstract in derived class).It is not an error.
  • Abstract class cannot be used a sealed type.Because sealed type used for preventing inheritance.Abstract base class must be derived and implement by derived class.So we cannot used sealed type.
  • In derived class using override key word to implement the abstract class method. 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Abstract
    class Program                            
        static void Main(string[] args)       
            B b = new B();                    
public abstract class A
    public abstract void print();  //Abstract class method definition.
class B : A
    public override void print()   //Abstract class implementations using override key word.
        Console.WriteLine("Abstract Class");


              Abstract Class

Saturday, March 16, 2013

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Android, the world's most popular mobile platform

Android powers hundreds of millions of mobile devices in more than 190 countries around the world. It's the largest installed base of any mobile platform and growing fast—every day another million users power up their Android devices for the first time and start looking for apps, games, and other digital content.
Android gives you a world-class platform for creating apps and games for Android users everywhere, as well as an open marketplace for distributing to them instantly.

Global partnerships and large installed base

Building on the contributions of the open-source Linux community and more than 300 hardware, software, and carrier partners, Android has rapidly become the fastest-growing mobile OS.
Every day more than 1 million new Android devices are activated worldwide.
Android’s openness has made it a favorite for consumers and developers alike, driving strong growth in app consumption. Android users download more than 1.5 billion apps and games from Google Play each month.
With it's partners, Android is continuously pushing the boundaries of hardware and software forward to bring new capabilities to users and developers. For developers, Android innovation lets you build powerful, differentiated applications that use the latest mobile technologies.

Powerful development framework

Easily optimize a single binary for phones, tablets, and other devices.
Android gives you everything you need to build best-in-class app experiences. It gives you a single application model that lets you deploy your apps broadly to hundreds of millions of users across a wide range of devices—from phones to tablets and beyond.
Android also gives you tools for creating apps that look great and take advantage of the hardware capabilities available on each device. It automatically adapts your UI to look it's best on each device, while giving you as much control as you want over your UI on different device types.
For example, you can create a single app binary that's optimized for both phone and tablet form factors. You declare your UI in lightweight sets of XML resources, one set for parts of the UI that are common to all form factors and other sets for optimzations specific to phones or tablets. At runtime, Android applies the correct resource sets based on its screen size, density, locale, and so on.
To help you develop efficiently, the Android Developer Tools offer a full Java IDE with advanced features for developing, debugging, and packaging Android apps. Using the IDE, you can develop on any available Android device or create virtual devices that emulate any hardware configuration.
1.5 billion downloads a month and growing. Get your apps in front of millions of users at Google's scale.

Open marketplace for distributing your apps

Google Play is the premier marketplace for selling and distributing Android apps. When you publish an app on Google Play, you reach the huge installed base of Android.
Preinstalled on hundreds of millions of Android devices around the world, Google Play can be a growth engine for your business.
As an open marketplace, Google Play puts you in control of how you sell your products. You can publish whenever you want, as often as you want, and to the customers you want. You can distribute broadly to all markets and devices or focus on specific segments, devices, or ranges of hardware capabilities.
You can monetize in the way that works best for your business—priced or free, with in-app products or subscriptions—for highest engagement and revenues. You also have complete control of the pricing for your apps and in-app products and can set or change prices in any supported currency at any time.
Beyond growing your customer base, Google Play helps you build visibility and engagement across your apps and brand. As your apps rise in popularity, Google Play gives them higher placement in weekly "top" charts and rankings, and for the best apps promotional slots in curated collections.

Saturday, January 12, 2013



Photo Credit healthy foods image by Steve Lovegrove from
If you imagine your body as a car, then food would be the fuel. To get optimal performance out of either a car or out of your body, you need to make sure that you are providing the highest quality fuel you can. Different foods provide energy at different rates. Some foods are good for a quick burst, while others provide constant energy. For improved stamina, the right choice of fuel can keep you going all day long.


Oatmeal is an energy packed food that provides constant energy for hours. Oatmeal is an unprocessed, complex carbohydrate that your body digests slowly. Slow digestion keeps blood sugar at optimal levels and helps avoid the crash that typically comes with faster burning carbs. Oatmeal is highly prized by endurance athletes who depend on their stamina. A bowl of oatmeal in the morning will keep you going strong through your day.

Peanut Butter

It turns out that Mom was right to bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the playground. Peanut butter has gotten somewhat of a bad reputation for its high fat content. All that fat, however, makes peanut butter a great snack for an energy boost that lasts for hours. The fat in peanut butter is high is calories and digests slowly. That's good news if staying power is your goal. Peanut butter works best when combined with a carbohydrate. For an energy packed breakfast, mix a tablespoon of peanut butter in with a bowl of oatmeal.


Beans are a powerful food to increase stamina due to their high iron content. Iron is used by your body to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to working muscles. Beans are also high in protein, which slows the digestion of carbohydrates and provides a sustained energy release. A traditional combination like beans and rice provides lots of sustained energy.


A cup of coffee before exercise will have a noticeable effect on stamina because of its caffeine content. Caffeine has been shown to improve resistance to fatigue in the clinical setting. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which explains why so many people worldwide start their day with a cup of coffee. Dr. John A. Hawley indicates in his article published in "The Physician and Sports Medicine Journal" that caffeine also improves your body's ability to burn stored body fat as fuel.

Read more:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Memory Power

3 Tips To Improve Your Memory Power

You’ve met them.  You probably even have a few in your family that you see at barbecues every summer.  It’s the 65 year old uncle that has the memory of an elephant and can recall small details from events in the 1950’s.  Perhaps you have a relative that can quote specific dates from their childhood, or even experiences they had overseas in another “life.”  If you are like me, you wish that you had a magic formula to improve your memory power to have the same abilities as these impressive individuals.  Well, I’m here to tell you that with the tips I’m going to give you in this article, you’ll have the information to improve your memory, and you can get started right away!
Tip #1:  Reduce Stress
Stress is one of the greatest enemies of the mind, and increasingly more common, the health of the entire body.  Stress can cause heart attacks, strokes, and the long-term degradation of one’s health.  Specifically, it kills your brain’s cells, and has a negative effect on the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for recording and storing long and short-term memories.  Some of the best improve your memory information I ever received was to get ahold of stress, and eliminate as much of it as you can.  There are many ways to do this, but one of the techniques I’ve found to be most effective is meditation.  Meditation is effective in calming your nerves, finding your inner quiet and peace, and producing a deep state of relaxation.  It’s easy to learn some basic techniques, and these will go a long way in helping reduce your overall stress levels, thereby improving the power of your mind.
Tip #2: Exercise Your Brain
If you were planning on running a marathon next summer, would you train your body to increase its performance and improve your chances for success?  Of course you would!  You’d specifically train your body to target the muscles and organs necessary for successfully completing a 26 mile run.  Well, your brain is no different than the rest of your body.  If you require increased performance and reliability from your brain, you have to continually use it and train it in ways that you don’t normally use it.  Try things like brushing your teeth or writing with your non-dominant hand.  Learn a foreign language or a musical instrument.  Read about or study a new area of interest that you have little knowledge of.  All of these things will require your brain to create new neural pathways, which will improve memory power and overall brain performance.
Tip #3: Listen and Actively Engage
How many times have you met someone at a party, a business setting, or any other situation, and five minutes later you can’t remember the person’s name that you just met?  It happens to all of us, and can be embarrassing, but it is an easy faux pas to avoid if you know how to do it.  Any time you are performing a task, speaking to someone, meeting someone for the first time, etc., make it a point to block out all other distractions and pay attention.  We humans make so many errors, and fail to remember a lot of important information because of the failure of this basic skill.  Try to pay close attention to detail in all aspects of your life and you will see that it becomes second nature, and pretty soon you won’t even have to try.  When you are meeting that new person, engage him and repeat his name back while you are being introduced.  This will help reinforce the name into your brain for future recall.  Be more engaged in all of your conversations and make an effort to listen more attentively and you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll be able to remember later.
By putting this information to improve your memory into use, you will soon see that your brain is sharper, and you will be recalling important information more quickly and accurately than before.  This improvement in memory power might not put you in the league of your 65 year old uncle, but the rest of your family, friends, and colleagues will think that you are one of the sharpest people they know!

Timothy Romano is the author of Secrets to Improve Memory, a complete memory improvement course from basic, to advanced techniques.  For further reading, and the opportunity to sign up for his free e-mail mini-course, full of helpful information to improve your memory

Monday, January 7, 2013

Online Jobs, Part time Jobs, Data Entry Jobs

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